Party A and Party B took out the same amount of money to buy a basket of apples. Party a shared 12 kilograms and Party B shared 18 kilograms. As a result, Party B had to pay Party A 11.4 yuan. How much yuan per kilogram of apples

Party A and Party B took out the same amount of money to buy a basket of apples. Party a shared 12 kilograms and Party B shared 18 kilograms. As a result, Party B had to pay Party A 11.4 yuan. How much yuan per kilogram of apples

Per kilogram = 11.4 ÷ [(18-12) △ 2] = 3.8 yuan

Party A and Party B buy apples together. After sharing, Party A asks Party B for another 3kg, so Party A pays 18 yuan more?
Some answers said it was 6, others said it was 3. I feel that the topic is not strict

After bisection, a wants 3 kg more from B, so a takes 3 + 3 = 6 kg more than B
Apple per kg: 18 △ 6 = 3 (kg)

Party A and Party B took out the same amount of money to buy a box of apples. Party a shared 12 kg and Party B shared 18 kg. As a result, Party B had to give Party A 6 yuan. How much yuan per kg of apples?


Party A and Party B take out the same money to buy a basket of strawberries. Party A gets 18 kg and Party B gets 12 kg. As a result, Party A has to pay Party B 5.7 yuan. How much yuan per kg of strawberries?

5.7 × 2 ÷ (18-12) = 1.9 (yuan)