The distance between the two places is 628 kilometers. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 80 kilometers per hour

The distance between the two places is 628 kilometers. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 80 kilometers per hour

Speed sum = 60 + 80 = 140 km / h
Encounter time = 628 / 140 = 157 / 35 hours

A and B vehicles run from AB, which is 400 kilometers away, at the same time. A vehicle runs 120 kilometers per hour, B vehicle runs 80 kilometers per hour
Km. After a few hours, the two cars are 100 km apart

Two cases
① The two cars haven't met yet
(400-100) / (120 + 80) = 1.5 hours
② After the two cars met, they were 100 kilometers apart
(400 + 100) / (120 + 80) = 2.5 hours

A. B is 400 km away from the two places, and a and B vehicles leave each other at the same time. A vehicle travels 38 km per hour, B vehicle 42 km per hour, how many hours are the two vehicles 40 km apart?

(1) (400-40) / (38 + 42) = 360 / 80 = 4.5 (hours) (2) (400 + 40) / (38 + 42) = 440 / 80 = 5.5 (hours) answer: 4.5 hours or 5.5 hours, the distance between the two cars is 40 km

At the same time, the passenger car and the freight car drive in the opposite direction from the midpoint of a and B. after 5 hours, the passenger car arrives at a, and the freight car is 60 kilometers away from B
The speed ratio of passenger cars to freight cars is 7:5. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

According to the inverse ratio of time to speed, it takes 7 hours for the truck to reach the second place,
Therefore, the speed of the truck is 60 (7-5) = 30 km
Distance between a and B: 30x7x2 = 420km