How to breathe in 1000m running? What should you do in 1000m running? Make it easy to run

How to breathe in 1000m running? What should you do in 1000m running? Make it easy to run

Junior high school sports meeting, running 1000 meters, 400 meters, 200 meters speech

To the 1000m athletes
Every drop of sweat, floating on the green field,
With vigorous steps, playing out the music of hope
A variety of beliefs, on the blue sky,
With your deep eyes, draw a beautiful arc
How many times in life?
Thousands of eyes are watching you,
In order to hope, in order to win, run out of the dream of youth
Praise 400 meter athletes:
On the red corridor there are two arcs,
On the green field, with your brightness,
Draw two circles of life,
Won numerous heartfelt surprises
Take a different life melody,
Play an extraordinary song!
Your performance field, let you roam freely!
Your take-off field, stretch your wings!
To 200m athletes
The playground in autumn was so beautiful that it was almost hopeless
You squat on the starting line
Every muscle is stubborn enough to hold up like a statue, slowly and slowly
You raised your head, and your firm eyes were filled with greed and sweat, and your hair finally flew up
Go on, go on, turn into a brave eagle and look for the sun in my heart

For two objects moving in a straight line at a constant speed, the speed of a is 2 meters per second, and that of B is 3 meters per second. The time that they pass through the same distance is? The time that they pass through the same distance is? The time that they pass through the same distance is?

The time ratio of the same journey is 3 / 2
In the same time, the ratio of their distance is 2:3

It takes three minutes for an object moving in a straight line at a uniform speed to travel 360 meters. If it moves at this speed, how long does it take to travel 1.8 kilometers?

The speed of the object is v = s1t1 = 360m3 × 60s = 2m / s. The time taken for the object to pass 1.8km is T2 = S2V = 1800m2m / S = 900s = 15min. A: according to this speed, it takes 15min to pass 1.8km