A and B leave from station AB at the same time. For the first time, they meet at 90km away from station A. after meeting, they continue to drive at the same speed and return to each other's place of departure immediately. For the second time, they meet at 50km away from station a to find the distance between two places

A and B leave from station AB at the same time. For the first time, they meet at 90km away from station A. after meeting, they continue to drive at the same speed and return to each other's place of departure immediately. For the second time, they meet at 50km away from station a to find the distance between two places

(90 × 3 + 50) △ 2, = 320 △ 2, = 160 (km). A: the distance between AB and ab is 160 km

When someone rides a motorcycle from home to the railway station, if he travels 30 kilometers per hour, he will be 15 minutes earlier than the train. If he travels 18 kilometers per hour, he will be 15 minutes later than the train's departure time. How many hours is there before the train's departure time when he starts from home

As shown in the question: when driving 30 km / h, driving 30 km / 60 min = 0.5 km / min
When driving 18 km / h, driving per minute: 18 km / 60 min = 0.3 km
The time he leaves the train when he starts from home is: X
Then: 0.5 (X-15) = 0.3 (x + 15)
Therefore, when he set out from home, the time from the train was 60 minutes, or 1 hour

If you go to the railway station by motorcycle from home, if you walk 30 kilometers per hour, it will be 15 minutes earlier than the driving time. If you walk 18 kilometers per hour, it will be 15 minutes later than the driving time. Now you plan to arrive at the railway station 10 minutes earlier than the driving time, then the speed of the motorcycle should be ()
A. 25km / h B. 26km / h C. 27km / h D. 28km / h

Suppose the distance from the motorcycle to the railway station is s kilometers, and the time of driving to the railway station is t hours, because if you walk 30 kilometers per hour, it is 15 minutes earlier than the driving time, then t-s30 = 14. ① if you walk 18 kilometers per hour, it is 15 minutes later than the driving time, then s18-t = 14 v. Then we need t-sv = 16 and substitute the values of S and T into v = 27