A and B start from ab at the same time. It takes 20 hours for car a to B and 30 hours for car B to A. how long does it take for the two cars to meet

A and B start from ab at the same time. It takes 20 hours for car a to B and 30 hours for car B to A. how long does it take for the two cars to meet

1 ÷(1/20 + 1/30)
=1÷(3/60 +2/60)
=12 hours

After 16 hours of meeting, car a will continue to drive for 20 hours to arrive at place B. after meeting, car B will continue to drive for 20 hours
How many hours does it take to get to a


After 16 hours of meeting, car a runs for 20 hours to arrive at place B. after meeting, how many hours does car B arrive at a

Set the speed as V A and V B
16V B = 20V a
V b = 1.25V a
Total distance = 36V a
The time for B to complete the whole journey = 36V A / v b = 36V A / 1.25V a = 28.8
Another 12.8 hours

A and B leave from two places at the same time. A travels 8 kilometers more per hour than B. four hours later, the two cars meet. When they meet, the distance a and B travel
How far is the distance between the two places?

Speed sum: 8 ÷ (5-3) × (5 + 3) = 32 km
Distance between the two places: 32 × 4 = 128 km