It is known that the speed of car a is 90 kilometers per hour, and that of car B is 60 kilometers per hour. Car a and car B start from a and B at the same time and travel opposite each other. When passing through C, car B arrives 10 minutes earlier than car a. the next day, car a and car B start from B and a and return to the original place of departure. When passing through C, car a arrives 1.5 hours earlier than car B. what is the distance between a and B?

It is known that the speed of car a is 90 kilometers per hour, and that of car B is 60 kilometers per hour. Car a and car B start from a and B at the same time and travel opposite each other. When passing through C, car B arrives 10 minutes earlier than car a. the next day, car a and car B start from B and a and return to the original place of departure. When passing through C, car a arrives 1.5 hours earlier than car B. what is the distance between a and B?

Since the speed ratio of car a and car B is 90:60 = 3:2, 10 minutes = 16 hours, one and a half hours = 1.5 hours, the length of BC can be set as X km, and the equation is: X × 32 + 90 × 16 = x × 23 + 60 × 1.5, 32x + 15 = 23x + 90, 56x = 75, x = 90

4) Car a is 90 kilometers per hour, car B is 60 kilometers per hour, and car a and car B respectively travel from AB to C
4) Car a is 90 kilometers per hour, and car B is 60 kilometers per hour. Car a and car B respectively travel from AB to ab. when passing through C, car B arrives 10 minutes earlier than car a. the next day, car a and car B start from B and a and return to their original place. When passing through C, car a is 1.5 hours earlier than car B. what is the total length?

If the length of AC segment is x and the length of BC segment is y, the following results are obtained:
The solution: x = 150 km, y = 90 km, so the total length = x + y = 240 km

It is known that the distance between AB and B is 200 km. A and B drive from AB and go opposite each other at the same time. The speed of a is 60 km / h, and that of B is 90 km / h. how far is the place where a and B meet from a?

Encounter time = 200 / (60 + 90) = 4 / 3 hours
The meeting place is 80 km away from a = 4 / 3 * 60