A. The distance between city B is 870 kilometers. Car a and car B start from city a and city B at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour and car B 45 kilometers per hour Km, how many hours later, the two cars are still 30 km apart?

A. The distance between city B is 870 kilometers. Car a and car B start from city a and city B at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour and car B 45 kilometers per hour Km, how many hours later, the two cars are still 30 km apart?

The distance between them is 870km. How long is the distance between them? It shows that Party A and Party B have driven 870-30 = 840km in this period of time. Set the time t hour 60t 45t = 840 and get t = 8

Car a and B start from a and B at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour and car B 72 kilometers per hour
72 km. When car B runs 18 km more than car a, car a runs 30% of the whole journey. Find the distance between two places

Transit time = 18 (72-60) = 1.5 hours
Distance = 60 × 1.5 △ 30% = 300 km

Ding Xiaohua and Ding Daming go from a to B at the same time. Ding Xiaohua travels 60 meters per minute and Ding Daming travels 90 meters per minute. After arriving at B, Ding Daming returns immediately and meets Ding Xiaohua. When they meet, Ding Xiaohua still needs 3 minutes to reach B___ Kilometers

The number of meters Ding Daming traveled more than Ding Xiaohua: 60 × 3 × 2 = 360 (meters), the number of minutes Ding Xiaohua and Ding Daming traveled respectively: 360 △ 90-60 = 12 (minutes), the number of meters between the two places: 60 × (12 + 3) = 900 (meters) = 0.9 (kilometers)