A car carries 20 tons of grain on the first day, and the next day is one eighth less than the first day. How many tons are transported in two days?

A car carries 20 tons of grain on the first day, and the next day is one eighth less than the first day. How many tons are transported in two days?

How many tons were transported in two days? 20 × (1-8 / 1) + 20 = 17.5 + 20 = 37.5 (tons) a: 37.5 tons were transported in two days a: wrong answer: Yes, that's 37.5 tons. Supplement: 20 × (1-8 / 1) + 20 = 17.5 + 20 = 37.5 (tons) a: 37.5 tons were transported in two days

The transport company transported a batch of grain. On the first day, it transported a quarter of this batch of grain, and on the second day, it transported a third of this batch of grain. In two days, it transported 840 tons of grain. How many tons of this batch of grain

How many tons of this batch of grain = 840 / (1 / 4 + 1 / 3) = 1440 (tons)