The transport team transported a batch of flour. In the first time, it transported all 37 tons, and in the second time, it transported all 27 tons. A total of 45 tons were transported in the two times. How many tons are there in total?

The transport team transported a batch of flour. In the first time, it transported all 37 tons, and in the second time, it transported all 27 tons. A total of 45 tons were transported in the two times. How many tons are there in total?

45 (37 + 27) = 45 (57) = 63 (tons) a: 63 tons in total

A transport team transported a batch of cement. It transported 1 / 3 of all the cement in the first time and half of all the cement in the second time. A total of 45 tons were transported. How many tons are there in this batch of cement?

45 / (1 / 3 + 1 / 2) = 54 tons
A total of 54, the first 18, the second 27, a total of 45 tons

We have to transport 35 tons today. We can transport 5 tons each time. We have carried it three times in the morning, but how many times in the afternoon?
The problem in the math book is a little dizzy


The transportation company has to transport 35 tons of chemical fertilizer to the countryside today. It has carried it three times in the morning, and only 5 tons can be transported each time. According to this calculation, how many times can it be transported in the afternoon?

(35-5 × 3) △ 5, = (35-15) △ 5, = 20 △ 5, = 4 (Times); answer: it will take 4 times in the afternoon