Calculation problem: a plane with uniform linear motion has flown 360 km in 20 minutes. What's its flight speed, km / h? How many M / S

Calculation problem: a plane with uniform linear motion has flown 360 km in 20 minutes. What's its flight speed, km / h? How many M / S

T = 20 minutes = 1 / 3 hours = 1200 seconds
X = 360 km = 360000 M
The displacement is in kilometers and the time is in hours
V = x / T = 360 * 3 = 1080 km / h
The displacement is in meters and the time is in seconds
V = x / T = 360000 / 1200 = 300m / S
Off topic
The aircraft is flying at subsonic speed, and the speed of sound in the air is about 340m / s

A plane's flight speed is 15 km / min, 40 minutes, four out of five, how many meters in total

15 & # 10008; 40 △ 4 / 5 = 750 km