Party A and Party B start from the same place in the opposite direction at the same time. Party A rides a bicycle and travels 12 kilometers per hour. Party B rides a motorcycle and travels 40 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there after three quarters of an hour

Party A and Party B start from the same place in the opposite direction at the same time. Party A rides a bicycle and travels 12 kilometers per hour. Party B rides a motorcycle and travels 40 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there after three quarters of an hour

The speed and speed of Party A and Party B are as follows:
12 + 40 = 52 km / h
Three quarters of an hour later, the distance between the two was:
52 × 3 / 4 = 39 km

If two people start from the same place and go in the same direction at the same time, they can walk 15 kilometers per hour
After arriving at the destination for 40 km, return immediately and meet B on the way. How long does it take from departure to meeting?

You can draw a diagram to see if you can find that in this process, a and B together walked two 40 kilometers, that is, 80 kilometers. Divide the distance by the speed sum
40 * 2 / (15 + 5) = 4 hours

A and B ride bicycles from the same place to the opposite direction. A travels 12 kilometers per hour, and B travels 13 kilometers per hour. If a goes ahead for 2 hours, then after a few hours, the distance between the two is 99 kilometers? No problem

=3 hours

Party A and Party B start from the same place by bicycle in the opposite direction. Party A travels 14 kilometers per hour, and Party B travels 12 kilometers per hour. If Party B travels 2 or 5 kilometers first
Hours, how many hours after a line, two people 160 kilometers apart?

=5 hours
The distance between a and B is 160 kilometers after 5 hours