A job was originally planned to be completed in 8 days, but actually it was completed in 5 days. How much is the working time shortened? How much is the work efficiency increased?

A job was originally planned to be completed in 8 days, but actually it was completed in 5 days. How much is the working time shortened? How much is the work efficiency increased?

Reduced working hours:
work efficiency:
It was originally completed in 10 days, one tenth of every day,
The actual completion time is 8 days, 1 / 8 of every day
Improved: (1 / 8-1 / 10) △ 1 / 10 = 1 / 4
That is to say, the work efficiency is 1 / 4 higher than the plan

The washing machine factory plans to produce 1400 washing machines per month. As a result, the whole year's production task is completed two months in advance. How many washing machines are actually produced per month?

1400 × 12 equals 16800 sets
16800 (12-2) is equal to 1680 sets

Shixin watch factory originally planned to produce 1000 watches in 25 days, but actually produced 50 watches a day. How many days ahead of schedule did it actually complete the task?

25-1000 △ 50 = 25-20, = 5 (days); a: the actual task was completed 5 days ahead of schedule

The original plan of the washing machine factory was to produce 40 washing machines every day, which would be completed in 25 days. In fact, it would produce 1 / 4 more washing machines every day. How many days in advance

The actual daily production is 40 * (1 + 1 / 4) = 50 sets
The actual number of days is: 40 * 25 / 50 = 20 days
Advanced: 25-20 = 5 days

A washing machine factory produced 1200 washing machines in the first quarter, equivalent to 5 / 2 of the annual plan. How many washing machines does the factory plan to produce in the whole year?

If the first quarter completion is 5 / 2, the annual task = 1200 △ 5 / 2 = 480 units
If 2 / 5 is completed in the first quarter, the annual task is 1200 / 2 / 5 = 3000 units

The washing machine factory plans to produce 25500 washing machines this year, of which the quantity ratio of type I, type II and type III washing machines is 1:2:14. How many washing machines are each planned to produce?

Suppose I, II and III washing machines produce X, 2x and 14x sets respectively. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: x + 2x + 14x = 25500. The solution is: x = 1500, 2x = 2 × 1500 = 3000, 14x = 14 × 1500 = 21000. Answer: I, II and III washing machines produce 1500, 3000 and 21000 sets respectively

The product of numerator and denominator of a simplest true fraction is 150. What fraction is the simplest true fraction?

1 / 150, 2 / 75, 3 / 50, 6 / 25, you can find the common divisor of 150, because it is a true fraction, so the denominator must be less than or equal to 150, because the numerator denominator must be an integer, and the numerator must be smaller than the denominator, so the product of 150 has the following groups: 150 * 1, 75 * 2, 50 * 3, 25 * 6, 15 * 10

A simplest fraction, whose product of numerator and denominator is 28, may be______ .

Since 28 = 4 × 7 = 1 × 28, the simplest truth score may be 47 or 128

A simplest fraction, whose product of numerator and denominator is 28, may be______ .

Since 28 = 4 × 7 = 1 × 28, the simplest truth score may be 47 or 128

A denominator is the smallest true fraction. If the numerator of the fraction is increased by 4 times, the denominator is added with 8 to get a new fraction. What is the fraction?
Such as the title

The original fraction is 1 / 2, the molecule is increased by 4 times, that is, 1x4 + 1 = 5, and the new fraction is 5 / 10