If a is 3 / 4 of B and B is 5 / 6 of C, how many parts of C is a, and how many less is a than C?

If a is 3 / 4 of B and B is 5 / 6 of C, how many parts of C is a, and how many less is a than C?

If a is 3 / 4 of B and B is 5 / 6 of C,
Then a is 5 / 8 of C;
Less = 1-5 / 8 = 3 / 8;
A is 3 / 8 less than C;
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5 out of 6 = a fraction = a fraction

5 out of 6 = 10 out of 12 = 15 out of 18

2 out of 60-5 = a few. 1 out of 60-3 = a few


The solution equation: ① x-0.84x = 0.8 ② 5 × 3.1-2x = 4.5

①X-0.84X=0.8,  (1-0.84)X=0.8,        0.16X=0.8,  0.16X÷0.16=0.8÷0.16,            X=5;②5×3.1-2X=4.5,    15.5-2X=4.5, 15.5-2X+2X=4.5+2X,     4.5+2X=15.5,  4.5+2X-4.5=15.5-4.5,         2X=11,      2X÷2=11÷2,          X=5.5.

X-0.84 = 0.8 how to solve the equation


8 + X + X multiplied by 3 = 84 (solving equation)

8 + X + x times 3 = 84

81 64 49 36 ( ) ( )

25 16


Second order arithmetic sequence means that the difference of each item is arithmetic sequence. Its general formula is an = a1 + (a2-a1) (n-1) + (a3-2a2 + A1) (n-1) (n-2) / 2. Tolerance: D = a1-2a2 + a3
Sum formula Sn = Na1 + (a2-a1) (n-1) n / 2 + [n (n + 1) (2n + 1) / 6 + n (1-3n) / 2] (a3-2a2 + A1) / 2]
Substituting 400 into the general formula, n = 15, so there are 15 terms
Substituting into the summation formula: S15 = 2315

Calculation: 36 + 49 + 64 + 81 + +400?

1^2+2^2+3^2+...n^2=n(n+1)(2n+1)/636+49+64+81+… +400=6²+7²+… 20²=1²+2²+...+5²+6²+… 20²-(1²+2²+...+5²)=(20×21×41)÷6-(5×6×11)÷6=2815... (). (). 49.64. Fill in the number according to the rule 25).(36 ).49.64
It's the square of one to eight
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