What are the latitudes of Tropic of cancer and Tropic of cancer

What are the latitudes of Tropic of cancer and Tropic of cancer

At present, the Tropic of cancer is stable at 23 ° 26's and 23 ° 26'n
66 ° 34's and 66 ° 34'n in the north and south polar circles
Degree of regression line and degree of polar circle complement each other

People divide the earth's surface into five tropical quantities with the Tropic of cancer, Tropic of cancer and Arctic and Antarctic circles as the boundary___ 、___ 、____ 、___
、___ 、___ 、

Between Tropic of cancer, tropical
Between Tropic of cancer and Antarctic Circle, south temperate zone
Between Tropic of cancer and Arctic Circle, north temperate zone
South of the Antarctic Circle, South Frigid Zone
North of the Arctic Circle

The children's day after the June 1 is closer to the sun.
A. Equator B. Tropic of cancer C. Arctic Circle D. Tropic of cancer

before June 22nd, the sun was directly heading the Tropic of cancer, the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. With the option of 61, after the children's festival, the place where the sun's direct point gradually approached was the Tropic of cancer. Therefore, the option B is in line with the meaning of the topic. Therefore, the selection is B..