Which is the latitude of Tropic of cancer?

Which is the latitude of Tropic of cancer?

23.5 n

Where is the Tropic of cancer latitude + Arctic latitude (23.26 + 66.34) plus 0.4 degrees?

It's wrong for you to calculate it as a decimal number. First of all, you need to know: 1 degree = 60 points, that (23.26 + 66.34) means 23 degrees 26 points + 66 degrees 34 points, which means 90 degrees

Can you make an angle of 75 degrees with rectangular paper-

Yes, but I can't make it clear. It's best to have a video

How to make an angle of 150 degrees with a rectangular piece of paper

First fold a 180 degree angle, divide the 180 degree into three equal parts and then fold it in half. You can see the 150 degree angle