(1.75-0.875-7 / 12) / (- 7 / 8) + (- 7 / 8) / (1.75-0.875-7 / 12) simple and convenient

(1.75-0.875-7 / 12) / (- 7 / 8) + (- 7 / 8) / (1.75-0.875-7 / 12) simple and convenient




[2 - (3.75 × 1 and 1 / 3-2 and 2 / 5 △ 0.6)] 0.2

[2 - (3.75 × 1 and 1 / 3-2 and 2 / 5 △ 0.6)] 0.2

0.6-1 / 4 - (- 3.75) + 2 / 5

0.6-1 / 4 - (- 3.75) + 2 / 5
=0.6 + 2 / 5 - (1 / 4 + 3 and 3 / 4)

Calculate the ratio of 2:4:1, 3:0.75, 20%: 0.6


Find the rules: 1 / 2 /, 5 / 6, 7 / 6 /, 3 / 2, (), ()

1/2、5/6、7/6/、3/2 、(11/6 )、(13/6 )
3/6 5/6 7/6 9/6 11/6 13/6

Find the rules: 1,2,4,7,7,12,10,17; help,

Odd number: 1,4,7,10, increase by 3 in turn
Even number items: 2,7,12,17, increase by 5 in turn
So the next number is 13


Add up to 12 and fill in 3

Fill in the first grade regularly () 65 () 30 () ()

Start with the unknown between two known numbers

Simple rules to fill in
Write the reasons

1. 64,48,40,36,34, (33) the difference of each two items is 16,8,4,2,1, and each number is half of the previous one
2. 2, 5, 8, 11, (14), 17, 20, each item is 3 more than the previous one
3. 1, 4, 9, (16), 25, 36, (49) each term is the square of the number of terms
4. 1, 2, 5, 10, 17, (26), 37, 50 each more than the previous number is 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
5. 4,7,9,11,14,15,19, (19) the odd number term is 4,9,14,19, each item is 5 more than the previous one; the even number term is 7,11,15,19, each item is 4 more than the previous one