Class one of grade five goes boating in the park. If each boat takes four people, there will be one less boat. If each boat takes six people, there will be four more boats. How many boats are there in the park? How many students are there in class five? Again, clear process and correct answer.

Class one of grade five goes boating in the park. If each boat takes four people, there will be one less boat. If each boat takes six people, there will be four more boats. How many boats are there in the park? How many students are there in class five? Again, clear process and correct answer.

There are X students and Y boats
If there are four people in each boat, there will be one less boat, that is, after four people in each boat, there will be one more boat, and all students can sit down, X / 4 = y + 1
If there are six people in each boat, there will be four more boats. That is to say, when there are six people in each boat, there will be four more boats and four less boats,
Solving these two equations, we get x = 60, y = 14, that is, there are 60 students and 14 boats

When a car and a truck meet on a narrow mountain road, they have to back up to pass. The speed of the car is three times that of the truck. The speed of the two cars is one fifth of their normal speed, and the distance of the car is four times that of the truck. In order to open to traffic as soon as possible, which car is more reasonable?
Can you tell me the meaning of "car reversing distance is 4 times of truck"?

It takes a unit of time for a car to cross the bridge,
It takes three units of time for the truck to cross the bridge
It takes 1 * 5 * (4 / 5) = 4 unit time for car reversing
It takes 3 * 5 * (1 / 5) = 3 unit time for a truck to reverse
If the truck is reversed, it will take 3 + 3 = 6 unit time
If the car reverses, it takes 4 + 1 = 5 units of time
It should be more reasonable

Party A and Party B stand on the footbridge and watch the busy cars below. They calculate that the speed of cars on the left lane is 80 km / h, and that of cars on the right lane is 100 km / h. they find that in any given time interval, the number of cars on the left and right lanes is the same. For example, the average length of each car is 3 meters, and the distance between cars on the left lane is 13 meters, Then the distance between cars on the right lane ()

The distance between cars on the right lane is 17 meters

On the road, there is a 15 meter long bus running from east to west at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour. On the sidewalk beside the road, there are two young people, a and B, who are practicing long-distance running. A runs from east to west, and B runs from west to East. At a certain moment, the car catches up with a and leaves a after 6 seconds. Half a minute later, the car meets B running face-to-face. Two seconds later, the bus stops running, The car left B and asked: how many seconds later will a and B meet?

The speed of the car is 18 kilometers per hour = 5 meters per second; it takes 6 seconds for the car to pass by a, and the speed of a is 5-15 / 6 = 2.5 meters per second according to the direction relationship; similarly, the speed of B is 15 / 2-5 = 2.5 meters per second; the time difference between the car passing by a and B is half a minute, and the distance is 30 * 5 = 150 meters, in which a runs 2.5

If they start at the same time and meet for the first time when B runs 100 meters, and for the second time when a runs 60 meters away, what is the length of the track______ Rice

(100 × 3-60) × 2, = 240 × 2, = 480 (m). A: then the length of the runway is 480 M

The three lathes a, B and C process two kinds of square and round parts. It is known that 2 of every 3 parts processed by lathe a are round; 3 of every 4 parts processed by lathe B are round; 4 of every 5 parts processed by lathe C are round. On this day, 58 round parts were processed by the three lathes, and the ratio of the number of square parts processed is 4:3:3 How many parts are processed by three lathes?

Lathe a processes 4 square parts, 4 × 2 = 8 round parts, lathe B processes 3 square parts, 3 × 3 = 9 round parts, lathe C processes 3 square parts, 3 × 4 = 12 round parts. The total number of round parts is 8 + 9 + 12 = 29, each is 58 △ 29 = 2, and the number of square parts is 2 × (4 + 3 + 3)

There are 1400KG of flour in the three grain stations. The weight ratio of flour in station a and station B is 3:4, and the weight ratio of flour in station B and station C is 6:7. How many kg of flour are there in each of the three grain stations?

A: B = 3:4 = 9:12
B: C = 6:7 = 12:14
A: B: C = 9:12:14
1400 ÷ (9 + 12 + 14) × 9 = 360kg
B yes
1400 ÷ (9 + 12 + 14) × 12 = 480KG
C you
1400 ÷ (9 + 12 + 14) × 14 = 560kg

1 & sup2; - 2 & sup2; + 3 & sup2; - 4 & sup2; - 100 & sup2; + 101 & sup2;, how much is the answer divided by 103

Divisor = (101-100) (101 + 100) + +(2-1)(2+1)
=1×(101+100)+…… +1×(2+1)
=101+100+…… +2+1
=(101+1)+(100+2)+…… +(52+50)+51
So the remainder is one

1. There are already some people queuing at the check-in gate of a railway station before the check-in begins. After the check-in begins, they come to line up for check-in every 15 minutes. One check-in gate can let 30 people check-in every minute. If there is only one check-in gate, there will be no one queuing 6 minutes after the check-in begins. If there are two check-in gates, how many minutes after the check-in begins, will there be no one queuing?
2. The exhibition opens at 9 o'clock, but people have been queuing up for admission for a long time. Since the first audience comes, the number of people coming every minute is the same. If three entrances are opened, there will be no queue after 9 minutes. If five entrances are opened, there will be no queue after 5 minutes?

1. (1) a total of 30 * 6 = 180 people will be checked in six minutes. After the check-in, 15 * 6 = 90 people will come. Why is the difference between 180-90 = 90 people? Because there are already some people lined up before the check-in, so there are already 90 people in the queue before the check-in. (2) when two check-ins are checking tickets at the same time, it can let (30 * 2 = 60) people check in every minute

Xiaoming took 20 yuan to buy exercise books at the stationery store. After he bought five small exercise books and two large exercise books, the remaining money would be 8 Jiao more if he bought three small exercise books, and 1 yuan less if he bought three large exercise books______ Yuan

8 Jiao = 0.8 yuan. Suppose each large exercise book costs X Yuan, then the small exercise book costs X - (1 + 0.8) △ 3 = x-0.6 yuan. 5 × (x-0.6) + 2x + 3x-1 = 20 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 10x-4 = 20 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 2.4 answer: each exercise book is 2.4 yuan, so the answer is: 2.4 yuan