Sentence making: Feather like reed wadding Wolf eyes For... For... For can 't help laughing: have quick wits idea occurred to one 's mind at the crucial moment: Questions on famous sayings and sentences Frustration: Inspiration: success: What's the price of the coat and trousers? The price of trousers is one third of that of the coat, and a suit costs 320 yuan In the first quarter, a 12 km highway was built, and in the second quarter, a 35 km highway was built. In the second quarter, 1 / 45 of the total length of the highway was built more than in the first quarter? The total yield of grapes in a vineyard last year was 20000 kg, which is one fourth higher than that of last year. What is the total yield of this vineyard this year? Note: to solve the equation, there must be a set

Sentence making: Feather like reed wadding Wolf eyes For... For... For can 't help laughing: have quick wits idea occurred to one 's mind at the crucial moment: Questions on famous sayings and sentences Frustration: Inspiration: success: What's the price of the coat and trousers? The price of trousers is one third of that of the coat, and a suit costs 320 yuan In the first quarter, a 12 km highway was built, and in the second quarter, a 35 km highway was built. In the second quarter, 1 / 45 of the total length of the highway was built more than in the first quarter? The total yield of grapes in a vineyard last year was 20000 kg, which is one fourth higher than that of last year. What is the total yield of this vineyard this year? Note: to solve the equation, there must be a set

Do I do math well? Chinese has a lot of answers, and I am also very poor in Chinese So I'll just copy their answers, ok It's snowing! There are white reeds falling from the sky. Yihu stares at lanran with wolf like eyes. For our future, for our hope, for our greatness

An Olympic math problem,
If you increase the speed by 20%, you can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If you arrive at the original time by one hour, if you arrive at the original speed by 120 km, you can arrive 40 minutes earlier. How many meters is the distance between a and B? Please use the general solution instead of the equation

If the speed is increased by 120%, then the ratio of the speed to the original speed is 6:5, then the time ratio of the journey is 5:6, that is, 1 / 6 less than the original time

Sixth grade Chinese mathematics problems
1. Fill in ()
Master Wang has () carving art. He spent his whole life (), () researching and producing handicraft ideas (), craft (), and was praised by people
2. Supplementary words
(), full of losses
3. Make sentences
---------------Oh, it's like------------------
Like --- like --- still like-----

Master Wang has (exquisite) carving art. He has spent his whole life (energy) to study and make handicrafts. His idea (exquisite) and craft (excellent) have been praised by people. 2

What do the four numbers represent respectively?

There is something wrong with the title
Olympic * gram = Olympic
The first step is to determine a = 1
The second step is to determine d = 9
The third step is to determine B = 0
The fourth step is to determine C = 8
Aolin9, 0g8

An Olympic math problem in primary school
A and B do math problems together. If a does four more problems as much as B does, if B does six more problems, that's three times as much as a does. How many problems does a do? How many problems does B do? How many problems do B do
According to the meaning of the question, B does 4 more questions than a
If B does 6 more questions than a: 4 + 6 = 10, which is 3 times of A
So a is: 10 / [3-1] = 5 questions
B: 5 + 4 = 9
I'm a little confused ~ 10 / (3-1) = 5, which one - 1 ~ he said it's three times at this time ~ that should be 10 / 3~

If B does 6 more questions than a: 4 + 6 = 10,
It's three times as much as a, more than a
3-1 = 2 times
A did it
10 △ 2 = 5 questions
B did
5 + 4 = 9 questions

A primary school Olympic math problem: in the number 1 to 200, the number "1", a total of how many times

There are many formulas: if n is a single digit: n > 1, then the number of 1 is 1. If n (represented by Mn) is a ten digit: 11 * 1 + m (where n > 1, if n < 1, then 11) if n (represented by Kmn) is a hundred digit: when k = 1, M = 0:20 + N + 1 (where n > 1, if n < 1, then 21) when k

After adding the same number to the numerator and denominator of 8 / 15, it will be divided into 9 / 10?


The emperor will give wine to the minister. The wine given to the second grade minister is one-half of the first grade minister, the wine given to the third grade minister is one-third of the first grade minister, the wine given to the fourth grade minister is one-quarter of the first grade minister, the wine given to the fifth grade minister is one-fifth of the first grade minister, the wine given to the sixth grade minister is one-sixth of the first grade minister, and the wine given to the seventh grade minister is one seventh of the first grade minister, How many bottles of wine must the emperor prepare?

The least common multiple of 234567 is 420, which is the wine of the Minister of one grade. If you know one grade, you can ask for the rest. Two grades: 420 * 1 / 2 = 210 (bottles), three grades: 420 * 1 / 3 = 140 (bottles), four grades: 420 * 1 / 4 = 105 (bottles), five grades: 420 * 1 / 5 = 84 (bottles), six grades: 420 * 1 / 6 = 70 (bottles), seven grades: 420 * 1 / 7 = 60 (bottles) add up to 4

There are 100 monks eating 100 steamed buns. If the big monk eats 3 steamed buns per person and the little monk eats 1 steamed bun per 3 people, then the big monk has ()
A. 20 people B. 25 people C. 30 people D. 35 people

Suppose the great monk has x people. According to the meaning of the question, we get 3x + 100 − X3 = 100. The solution is: x = 25

Xiao Ming does natural number addition, such as 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 ~ the final sum is 888
Later, I found that I accidentally added one more number. I asked which natural number was added?

We can see that it is added to 41, and then 888-861 = 27