Given that one of the five numbers is 15 and the average of the other four numbers is 14, the sum of these five numbers is______ .

Given that one of the five numbers is 15 and the average of the other four numbers is 14, the sum of these five numbers is______ .

∵ one of the five numbers is 15, and the average of the other four numbers is 14. The sum of these five numbers is: 15 + 4 × 14 = 71

The average number of application questions before 4:10 p.m. ah! 1, an examination, a, B, C three average score of 91, B, C, d three average score of 89, a, D two
The average score is 95. How many points does Jia and Ding get?
2. A, B, C, D four people weigh, B, C, d three people a total of 126 kg, C, D two people average weight of 40 kg, four people average weight?
3. There are 6 students in group A and 160 students in group B. how many people are there in group B?
4. There are two cotton fields with an average yield of 92.5 kg per hectare. It is known that a piece of land has an average yield of 85 kg per hectare. How many hectares is this piece of land?
5. The average of three numbers is 2. If one of the numbers is changed to 4, the average will become 3. What is the changed number?
6. The average score of a, B, C and D in the exam was 90, but when a copied the score, he copied his own score into 87, so he calculated that the average score of the four was 88. How many points did a get in the exam?
7. The average score of Xiaoming's math test a few days ago was 84. This time, he had to test 100 points to raise his average score to 86. How many tests is this?
8. The teacher took the students to make flowers. The teacher made 21 flowers, and each student made 5 flowers on average. If the teachers and students make 7 flowers on average, how many students are there?
9. The average age of a, B and C is 22, the average age of B and C is 18, and the average age of B and C is 25. How old is B?
10. The average score of the ten contestants is 82. The average score of the first six contestants is 83. The average score of the last six contestants is 80. The average score of the fifth and sixth contestants is? No! Please bring the process with you when you write it. Write it clearly!

Please write down the question clearly when you ask next time: 1, (a + B + C) / 3 = 91 (B + C + D) / 3 = 89 get (a + B + C) - (B + C + D) = 91 * 3-89 * 3 know (A-D) = 6, because (a + D) = 95 * 2 get a = 98, B = 922, the entry condition of this question is incomplete. 3, the entry condition of this question is not complete

1. The average score of a, B and C is 91, that of B, C and D is 89, and that of a and D is 95
The average price of Grade A and grade B sugar is 7 yuan per kilogram. The average price of grade a sugar is 4 kg, 8 yuan per kilogram. The average price of grade B sugar is 2 kg, how much yuan per kilogram?

Xiaolanghua 998, Hello, a test, a, B, C three average score of 91 points, B, C, d three average score of 89 points, a, D two average score of 95 points. Question: A, d each how many points? B and C total score is: (91 × 3 + 89 × 3-95 × 2) △ 2 = 175 (points) a score is: 91 × 3-175 = 98 (points) B score