What is the average, median and mode of the data of 70, 0, 80, 3, 65, 4, 78, 70, 72, 68 and 70?

What is the average, median and mode of the data of 70, 0, 80, 3, 65, 4, 78, 70, 72, 68 and 70?

The mode is the most frequent number, 70 appears three times, the most frequent number is mode, the median is not 70, it should be repeated in the middle, it should be assumed that the number of repeats in the middle is continuous, take the number of N / 2 in the sequence as the median

What is the relationship between the mean, median and mode?
Today is the day,

Average only pay attention to average, if there is a large or small number, it will affect the average value
Median and mode are not affected by the size of the number, and can better reflect the overall situation of the data
Hope to adopt (your adoption is my driving force)

After subtracting 50 from each number in a group of data, the average of the new group of data is 2, then the average of the original group of data is ()
A. 50B. 52C. 48D. 2

The average of a new set of data is 1n [(x1-50) + (x2-50 +...) +(xn-50)]=1n[(x1+x2+… +xn)-50n]=2.∴1n(x1+x2+… +xn)-50=2.∴1n(x1+x2+… +Xn) = 52, that is, the average of the original set of data is 52

After subtracting 50 from each number in a group of data, the average number of the new group of data is 6. What is the average number of the original group of data?

The answer should be 56
From (∑ x-50n) / N = 6
The solution is ∑ X / N = 56