A school covers an area of about 3 units

A school covers an area of about 3 units

3 ha
Know the ha:
Hectare is a unit of area, which is used to measure and calculate relatively large areas such as land
The square land with a side length of 100 meters covers an area of 1 hectare

The plan of the two swimming pools, the scale is 1:1000, calculate the area of the two swimming pools. You go swimming, there are 35 people in pool a and 90 people in Pool B, where are you going
A swimming pool. B is 3 cm long and 2 cm wide. A is 2 cm long and 1 cm wide
Come on, we'll hand it in tomorrow

Area: B 6000000 a 2000000
Go to B

On the school plan with a scale of 1:1000, the length of a swimming pool is 5cm and the width is 3cm. How many square meters does the swimming pool cover? If it is painted on a paper with a length of 19cm and a width of 16cm, what scale should it choose?

The swimming pool is x meters long and Y meters wide
5cm = 0.05m
3cm = 0.03m
50 × 30 = 1500 (M2)
A: this swimming pool covers an area of 1500 square meters
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A reservoir is 50 meters long and 16 meters wide. One cubic meter can hold 1000 liters of water. How many liters of water must be injected to make the water level rise 3 cm?

50 * 16 * 0.03 * 100 = 24000 liters