Given the function y = x - | X-1 | when x is greater than or equal to 1, the expression of the function is y =? When RT x is less than 1, the expression of the function is y =?

Given the function y = x - | X-1 | when x is greater than or equal to 1, the expression of the function is y =? When RT x is less than 1, the expression of the function is y =?

When x > = 1: y = 1
When x

9) If function is used to show the result of "excellent" or "medium" in E3: E12 (that is, when the number of "total" is greater than or equal to 150, it is "excellent" and less than 150)
How to write if function
Total grade of products in 2002 and 2003
A 50.00 100.00
B 55 54.50 109.50
C 60 59.41 119.41
D 65 64.75 129.75
E 70.58 140.58
75 76.93 151.93
Geng 80 83.86 163.86
40 176
Ren 90 99.63 189.63
That is, when the number in the total is greater than or equal to 150, it is "excellent", and when it is less than 150, it is "medium"

In E2, enter = if (D2 > = 150, "excellent", "), and then fill it down
Wrong? Thought it was excel

If function is used in Excel to judge the grade of grade (grade 60 or above is qualified, grade 70 or above is medium, Grade 80 or above)
Excel uses the if function to judge the grade of achievement (the grade greater than or equal to 60 is qualified, the grade greater than or equal to 70 is medium, the grade greater than or equal to 80 is excellent, and the grade less than 60 is unqualified). The grade cell is B2. How should this function be set? Can it be more specific?

Enter = lookup in C2 (B2, {0,60,70,80}, {unqualified, qualified, medium, excellent})
Or: = if (B2)