Scale equal to 200:1 distance equal to 2.8 cm actual distance equal to how many meters scale equal to 1:1000 distance equal to 2.4 cm actual distance

Scale equal to 200:1 distance equal to 2.8 cm actual distance equal to how many meters scale equal to 1:1000 distance equal to 2.4 cm actual distance

2.8 cm on a 200:1 scale [this is the enlarged scale]
Equivalent to the actual distance: 200:1 = 2.8: X,
X = 2.8 / 200 = 0.014 cm = 0.014 / 100 = 0.00014 M
2.4cm on a scale of 1000
Equivalent to the actual distance: 1:1000 = 2.4: X
X = 2400 (CM) = 24 (m)

On a map with a scale of 1; 5000, the distance on the map is 1 cm, which means how many meters is the actual distance, that is, how many parts of the actual distance is the distance on the map?
How many times is the actual distance?

The distance of 1cm in the picture indicates the actual distance of 50m
That is, the distance on the graph is 1 / 5000 of the actual distance
The actual distance is 5000 times the distance on the graph