The actual distance from Lizhuang to the bus station is 800 meters. The distance between two points measured on a map is only 2 cm. Find the scale of this map

The actual distance from Lizhuang to the bus station is 800 meters. The distance between two points measured on a map is only 2 cm. Find the scale of this map

800m = 80000cm
Scale = distance on map: actual distance

On a 1:1000 scale map
A. It means to enlarge the actual distance by 10000 times and draw it on the drawing
B. The distance on the graph is equal to 1 / 10000 of the actual distance
C. Represents the ratio of the distance on a graph to the actual distance
D. The distance of 1 cm on the map is equivalent to the actual distance of 10000 meters on the ground
Choose which ones? (this is a multi topic topic)!

B and C

For a map, the actual distance is 10km in 2cm. What is the scale of this map______ .

10km = 1000000cm, scale = 2:1000000 = 1:500000. So the scale of this map is 1:500000. So the answer is: 1:500000