How to calculate a leap year or an ordinary year?

How to calculate a leap year or an ordinary year?

The accurate calculation method of the leap year of the Gregorian calendar: ① the ordinary year can be divided by 4 and not by 100 is leap year. (for example, 2004 is leap year, 1900 is not leap year). ② the century year can be divided by 400 but not by 3

How to calculate which year is a normal year and which is a leap year?

The rule to judge the leap year of the Gregorian calendar is: one leap in four years, no leap in a hundred years, and another leap in four hundred years
A simple calculation method for the leap year of the Gregorian calendar: (a year that meets one of the following conditions is a leap year)
1. Divisible by 4 but not by 100
2. Divisible by 400

How to judge the normal year and leap year quickly

Can be divided by 4 or 400 into leap years, for example: 20042000;
It can be divided by 100, but not by 400. Others are ordinary years, such as 2100, 2001