How to calculate the average year and leap year? There must be a prize!

How to calculate the average year and leap year? There must be a prize!

There are 365 days in the solar calendar, 354 days or 355 days in the lunar calendar. Or the year of crop harvest is very common. The number of year A.D. can be divided by 4 into leap years, but the number of positive hundred years must be divisible by 400. The dish is leap year. The others are flat years. February in leap years has 29 days

How to calculate which year is leap year and which year is normal year

Generally, the year is divided by 4, and the leap year is divisible, otherwise it is an ordinary year,
If the ending is 00, divide by 400, the leap year can be divided, otherwise it is an ordinary year

How to calculate the average year and leap year?
In 2008, 1916, 1900, 1992, 1972, 1432 and 2032, there are () in leap year and () in normal year
Leap year algorithm:
The algorithm of normal year:

Leap years 2008, 1916, 1972, 1432, 2032, 1992
If you divide by 4, what you can divide is a leap year, but not an ordinary year. For example, in 1900, two zeros at the end are also ordinary years