How to judge whether a year is a normal year or a leap year?

How to judge whether a year is a normal year or a leap year?

Divide the year by 4 to get the whole number. The year without remainder is leap year

How to judge the normal year and leap year?

Year can be divided by four, such as 2000, which is Runnian

How to judge the average leap year
Quick, I already know that there are 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year, but I don't know how to judge

If February is a 29 day year, it is a leap year, and if February is a 28 day year, it is a normal year

Is 2010 a normal year or a leap year? How do you calculate it?

Calculation method of leap year:
The general rule to judge the leap year of the Gregorian calendar is: one leap in four years, no leap in a hundred years, and another leap in four hundred years
Accurate calculation method of leap year in Gregorian calendar
(according to 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.5 seconds in a regression year) 1. Leap year is an ordinary year that can be divided by 4 and cannot be divided by 100. (for example, 2004 is a leap year, 1901 is not a leap year)
② (for example, 2000 is a leap year, but 1900 is not a leap year). ③ for a year with a large number of values, if 3200 can be divided and 172800 can be divided, it is a leap year. For example, 172800 is a leap year, and 86400 is not a leap year (because although 3200 can be divided, 172800 cannot be divided) (this is calculated according to a regression year of 365 days 5h48'45.5 ")