There are 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year______ (judge right or wrong)

There are 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year______ (judge right or wrong)

There are 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year

The average year is 365 days, the leap year is 366 days, and the leap year is one month more. Why is the leap year only one day more than the average year?

Leap year is only one day more than normal year in February, that's all
One more month is the time, such as this year's leap April (that is, this year is one month more than last year). Of course, this is the lunar calendar
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Why is there a leap year?

The actual time for the earth to make a circle around the sun is 365 days, 5:48:46 seconds. If we regard each year as 365 days, we will get 5:48:46 seconds more every year. We can estimate that: 5:48:46 seconds is regarded as 6:00, which means 6:00 more in one year, 12 hours more in two years, 18 hours more in three years, and 24 hours more in four years, Because February has the least number of days, February in leap year has 29 days
Chinese lunar calendar has leap month, which is set to adjust the gap between the return year and the lunar new moon
But the problem is "leap year" and "ordinary year", which is the rule of the Gregorian calendar
In the Gregorian calendar (Gregorian calendar), February in a normal year is 28 days, and February in a leap year is 29 days. February 29 in a leap year is a leap day
Reasons for increasing leap days
The current Gregorian calendar takes the regression year as the calculation basis of "year", and a regression year is about 365.24220 days. Because only 365 days are calculated in the ordinary Gregorian calendar, the result will be 0.24220 × 4 = 0.9688 days after four years, which is about one day, so a leap day will be added every four years to offset the 0.9688 days
The method of calculating leap year
In the Gregorian calendar, most of the years that can be divided by 4 are leap years, those that can be divided by 100 but not by 400 are not leap years, and those that can be divided by 3200 are not leap years. For example, 1900 is an ordinary year, 2000 is a leap year, and 3200 is not a leap year

Why is it divided into ordinary year and leap year

The earth's cycle around the sun is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds (365.24219 days), which is a tropical year. The average year of the Gregorian calendar is only 365 days, which is about 0.2422 days shorter than that of the regression year. The remaining time is about one day in four years. Therefore, four years are added in February to make the calendar year 366 days