South Korea's geographical location, terrain, climate, economic situation

South Korea's geographical location, terrain, climate, economic situation

Topographical and climatic characteristics of China
Runoff of the Yellow River from Lanzhou to Hekou town

The average annual natural runoff of Lanzhou and above is 32.3 billion m3. Due to the dry climate in this area, the evaporation and leakage loss of river course is large, and the river runoff has not increased, but decreased by 1 billion m3

The common characteristics of climate in Beijing and Tokyo?

Tokyo has a temperate marine climate with four distinct seasons, but the climate is mild and comfortable, similar to that of the eastern coastal areas of China. In summer, the temperature is high, and the humidity is also very high. In autumn, it is suitable for tourism, and in winter, it is cold and overcast
Beijing has four distinct seasons. It is dry in spring, hot and rainy in summer, high and cool in autumn and cold and dry in winter

Characteristics of climate change in Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Pyongyang and Tokyo

Ulan Bator has a continental climate, cold in winter, hot in summer, large temperature difference between winter and summer, and relatively concentrated precipitation; Beijing has a temperate monsoon climate, cold in winter, hot in summer, concentrated precipitation, and hot rain at the same time; Pyongyang has a temperate monsoon climate, cold in winter, hot in summer, concentrated precipitation, and hot rain at the same time; Tokyo has a temperate marine climate