Tokyo belongs to () climate, Harbin belongs to () climate_________________

Tokyo belongs to () climate, Harbin belongs to () climate_________________

Subtropical monsoon climate, temperate monsoon climate
1. The coldest month with temperature higher than 0 ℃ is subtropical monsoon climate, and the coldest month with temperature lower than 0 ℃ is temperate monsoon climate
2. The precipitation of subtropical monsoon climate is larger than that of temperate monsoon climate, and the rainy season is longer

Tokyo belongs to____ Climate, Harbin belongs to____ Climate, judging by_______________

Subtropical monsoon temperate monsoon
The same period of rain and heat is the characteristic of monsoon climate. The average temperature in January in winter is lower than 0 ℃, which is the temperate monsoon climate (Harbin)
When the average temperature in January is higher than 0 ℃, it is subtropical or tropical monsoon climate, and the temperature curve fluctuates greatly

1 times 1, 11 times 11111 times 11111 times 1111

If there are several 1's, the number in the middle of the result will be several. The left side will increase and the right side will decrease