In 45, 63, 51, 84, 102, 207 and 96, the number which is a multiple of both 3 and 2 is ()

In 45, 63, 51, 84, 102, 207 and 96, the number which is a multiple of both 3 and 2 is ()


Which of the following numbers have a factor of 2? Which numbers have a factor of 5? 12,27,25,30,51,60,75,96186225 numbers with a factor of 2 have a factor of 5

2:12 30 60 96 16
5:25 30 60 75 225

(1+3+5+7+… +2005)-(2+4+6+8+… +2004)=______ .

(1+3+5+7+… +2005)-(2+4+6+8+… +2004),=(1-2)+(3-4)+(5-6)+… (2003-2004) + 2005, = 1002 × (- 1) + 2005, = 1003