17. The least common multiple of 51 and 3? 17. The least common multiple of 51 and 3 is "urgent" and "urgent"~

17. The least common multiple of 51 and 3? 17. The least common multiple of 51 and 3 is "urgent" and "urgent"~


3,10,21,35,51,() A.59 B.66 C.68 D.72
There must be a calculation process

10-3=7 21-10=11,11-7=4 35-21=14,14-11=3 51-35=16,16-14=2 68-51=17,17-16=1

22.51°=____ °____ ' ____ " 12°24’=____ 12.4____ °?

22.51°=22°30' 36"