Is the greatest common divisor the greatest common divisor?

Is the greatest common divisor the greatest common divisor?

The greatest common divisor is the product of several common divisors
The greatest common divisor is the largest common divisor of several numbers
The greatest common divisor and greatest common factor of 10 and 15 are 5
But the greatest common divisor of 10 and 20 is 10, and the greatest common factor is 5

What is the 75 grand common factor?

1,3,5,15,25,75 are factors of 75
The answer contains the number you want

The greatest common factor of 19 and 20
The greatest common factor of 19 and 20, and the greatest common factor of 10 and 15 , 12 and 18 , 6 and 10 14 and 21, 15 and 18, 44 and 33

The greatest common factor of 19 and 20 is 1
5 of 10 and 15
6 of 12 and 18
2 of 6 and 10
7 of 14 and 21
3 of 15 and 18
11 of 44 and 33