It costs 2700 yuan to buy 10 tables and 60 chairs. The price of three chairs is exactly the same as that of one table. How much is the unit price of tables and chairs?

It costs 2700 yuan to buy 10 tables and 60 chairs. The price of three chairs is exactly the same as that of one table. How much is the unit price of tables and chairs?

Let the unit price of table be x and that of chair be y
It can be concluded from the title:
By taking equation 2 into equation 1, we can get the following results:
Y = 30
We can get x = 90

It costs 2700 yuan to buy 10 tables and 60 chairs. The price of three chairs is exactly the price of one table. How much is the unit price of tables and chairs?

10 tables and 60 chairs = 30 chairs + 60 chairs = 90 chairs,
So the unit price of the chair is 2700 △ 90 = 30 yuan,
The unit price of the table is 30 * 3 = 90 yuan

It costs 2700 yuan to buy 10 tables and 60 chairs. The price of three chairs is exactly the same as that of one table. How much is the unit price of tables and chairs?

Suppose that the price of a chair is x yuan, and that of a table is 3x yuan, 60x + 10 × 3x = 2700, & nbsp; & nbsp; 60x + 30x = 2700, & nbsp; X (60 + 30) = 2700, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 90x = 2700, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 90x △ 90 = 270