111 ° 53 '- 114 ° 5'e, 27 ° 51' - 28 ° 40'n What is the specific place

111 ° 53 '- 114 ° 5'e, 27 ° 51' - 28 ° 40'n What is the specific place

Northeast of Hunan Province
Loudi Yiyang Changsha Liuyang
The area is too large

Classify the following scores into 30 / 45 13 / 26 34 / 51 14 / 91 39 / 52 1 and 7 / 30 3 / 61 13 / 23 minimalist scores () non minimalist scores ()
The above problem is not the simplest fraction into the simplest fraction

Minimalist score (1 and 7 / 30 3 / 61 13 / 23)
Non minimalist score (30 / 45 13 / 26 34 / 51 14 / 91 39 / 52)

13 out of 26, 34 out of 51, 3 out of 61, 2 out of 71, 14 out of 91, 13 out of 49, 39 out of 52, 1 out of 30, which are the simplest scores?

34 out of 51, 3 out of 61, 2 out of 71, 13 out of 49, 1 out of 30, these are the simplest fractions