Make this number factor two and factor three 27() 49() 1()0() Can it be fast?

Make this number factor two and factor three 27() 49() 1()0() Can it be fast?

At the end is an even number, there is a factor of 2, all the bits of a single number can be divided by 3, there is a factor of 3, think about it, the answer is not unique

When calculating a division problem, Li Ming regards the divisor 62.7 as 627. The quotient obtained is 51.3 greater than the correct quotient. What is the divisor of this problem?


Number reasoning: 1.102,90,6,42, - 18, A.30 b.12 C.6 D.4 2.96,89,72,62,51, a.38 b.39 c.40 d.41

1, choose a, 2, a