Finding all positive integer solutions of equation 125x + 57y = 531

Finding all positive integer solutions of equation 125x + 57y = 531

This problem can only be solved by trial and error
The value of X can only be 0-4
When x = 0, there is no solution
When x = 1, there is no solution
When x = 2, there is no solution
When x = 3, there is no solution
When x = 4, there is no solution
So there is no solution to this problem

Finding all positive integer solutions of equation 123x + 57y = 537

After substituting x = 1,2,3,4, the integer value can be obtained
Y value x value
7.263157895 1
5.105263158 2
2.947368421 3
0.789473684 4
But it seems that there is no positive integer solution

The sum of the largest and smallest divisors of a number is 123, and this number is 123______ .

The analysis shows that: the minimum divisor of this number is 1, the maximum divisor of this number is 123-1 = 122, that is, the number is 122; so the answer is: 122

The sum of the two largest divisors of a natural number is 123. How to find the natural number?

The natural number is 82, and the two largest divisors are 82 and 41, respectively