

Sequence 8.18.2811.313812 ()
The rule is to count the number of all numbers (SH ù) from the beginning (SH ǔ)
The first one is not mentioned
The second number from the last digit of the first number is a total of 8, that is 18
The third number, starting from the last digit of the second number, consists of two 8's and one 1's, namely 2811
The fourth number, starting from the last digit of the third number, consists of three 1's, three 8's and one 2's, namely 313812
It can be concluded that the fifth number is 22514823
The fifth number starts from the last digit of the fourth number and consists of two 2's, five 1's, four 8's and two 3's
Therefore, 8, 18, 2811, 313812, (22514823), (335258146115)

Only one number can be filled in brackets! 81 + 18 = () 6 × 6 = () 8

6 and 1

Use "Fa" to form different words and add brackets
() ability
() results
() dissatisfaction

The last three answers of the three upstairs are no problem. The first accurate answer should be the ability to explore

Numerical reasoning 27 13 14 6 8

The question is not very complete
The rule should be: the odd term is the sum of the following two terms
That is 27 = 13 + 14, 14 = 6 + 8
If the next item of 8 is given, the answer is unique. Otherwise, it is impossible to judge the law of even items and determine the specific value of the next item
I hope I can satisfy you

Numerical reasoning 157,64,27,8,9 ()

157 = 64 * 2 + 27 + 2, 64 = 27 * 2 + 8 + 2, 27 = 8 * 2 + 9 + 2, 8 = 9 * 2 + X + 2, then x = - 12

Numerical reasoning 26,7,0, - 2, - 9, ()
A.-18 B.-20 C.-26 D.-28.

All cubic minus one

A number reasoning problem! 0,9,26,62124 () what should be filled in brackets?

0 = 1 cubic power + (- 1) 1 power
9 = 2 cubic + (- 1) 8 power
26 = 3 cubic + (- 1) 27 power
124 = quintic + (- 1) 125th power
The next one seems to be equal to: 8 to the third power + (- 1) 8 * 8 * 8
That's 8 × 8 × 8 + 1
Shit, I hate this

Number reasoning 1,3,8,15,26,

26-15=11 15-8=7 8-3=5 3-1=2
2. 5, 7 and 11 are prime numbers, and the last prime number is 13
The answer is 39

Number reasoning 4,11,30,85, ()
4,11,30,85,( )
Expert in seeking advice


Number reasoning: 157 65 27 11 5?

157 65 27 11 5 (1)