


1*2=6 2*3=15 3*4=28 4*5=?


2 and 4 / 9 = () / 9 = () / 27 15 / () = 3 / 5 = () / 15 3 = () / 3 = 6 / ()


Li Feng's family has 480 chickens this year, 25 geese and 67 ducks. How many ducks are there this year?

A: this year, there are 224 ducks

There are 300 geese in a farm, and the index of raising chickens is twice that of geese. The total number of chickens and geese is 180 less than that of ducks. How many ducks are there

Chicken = 300 × 2 = 600
Ducks = 600-180 = 420

There are 500 chickens, ducks and geese in the farm, of which 100 are more chickens than geese and 25 are less geese than ducks. What percentage of the total are chickens, ducks and geese?

Goose (500-100-25) △ 3 = 375 △ 3 = 125 125 △ 500 = 25%
Duck (125 + 25) △ 500 = 30%
Chicken (125 + 100) △ 500 = 45%

There are 350 chickens in the farm. Ducks are one seventh more than chickens. Geese are one fifth less than ducks. How many geese are there

There are 350 chickens in the farm. Ducks are one seventh more than chickens. Geese are one fifth less than ducks. How many geese are there

There are 6000 chickens in the farm, 500 ducks less than 2 / 3 of the chicken, and 200 geese more than 1 / 5 of the chicken,
How many ducks and geese are there on the farm,

Duck: 6000x2 / 3-500 = 3500
Geese: 6000 x 6 / 5 + 200 = 7400

There are 23 ducks and 45 geese in the poultry factory. There are 2400 chickens and how many geese?

2400 × 23 / 45, = 1600 / 45, = 2000 (geese) a: there are 2000 geese

There are 4000 chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits in the farm. Chickens account for 40%, ducks 30%, geese 25% and rabbits 5%
How many percent more chickens than geese? How many more rabbits? How many fewer rabbits?

More chickens than geese: 40 / 100-25 / 100 = 15 / 100, that is 15% more
How many more chickens than geese: 4000 × 15 / 100 = 600
The number of rabbits raised is less than that of chickens: 40 / 100-5 / 100 = 35 / 100, that is 35% less
How many rabbits are less than chicken: 4000 × 35 / 100 = 1400