56 people, two rows, the distance between two adjacent people is 50 cm. How many meters is the distance from the first person to the last person in each row

56 people, two rows, the distance between two adjacent people is 50 cm. How many meters is the distance from the first person to the last person in each row

There are 56 people in two rows, so there are 28 people in one row. The distance between two people is 50 cm. To see how many gaps there are, you can think about it. The first person has one person 50 cm apart, and then there is one person 50 cm apart If you remove the first person, it is a 50 cm person, another 50 cm in a person, until the last 50 cm

There are 25 apples. Two people take turns to take one, two or three at a time. Who gets the last one will win. How to take it?

The key is to leave a multiple of 4 for the opponent
It's the first time I only take one, and there are 24 (multiples of 4)
The second time, there are 20 left (multiples of 4)
The third time, there are 16 left (multiple of 4)
Four at the last time (multiples of four)
No matter the opponent takes one, two or three, you can win

If two people take turns to take 25 apples, they can only take one, two or three apples at a time. The one who gets the last one will win. Think about it. In order to make sure that they win, it's necessary
Should I take it first or later? How much? How much later?

First take. Take one, and then make sure that the total number is 4 after each take