Natural numbers are arranged in the following matrix in turn. What is the row and column of 2006? 1 2 5 10…… 4 3 6 11…… 9 8 7 12…… 16 15 14 13…… …… … … ...

Natural numbers are arranged in the following matrix in turn. What is the row and column of 2006? 1 2 5 10…… 4 3 6 11…… 9 8 7 12…… 16 15 14 13…… …… … … ...

The maximum perfect square less than 2006 is 44 ^ 2 = 1936
That's line 45, column 20
I guess I don't understand it completely. I can't understand my formula at all

Natural numbers are arranged in the following triangular matrix according to the law, and 2010 is the third______ From the left______ The number of them

Let 2010 be the nth line, then 1 + 2 + 3 + +N = 2012, when n = 62, the sum is 1953; when n = 63, the sum is 2016; then the largest in line 62 is 1953, and the largest in line 63 is 2016, so 2010 is in line 63, and the odd number line is from large to small, so the left side of line 63 is 2016, and the right side is 1954, so 2010 is line 63, and 2016-2010 + 1 = 7 from left, so the answer is: 63, 7