If the natural numbers are arranged according to the following rules, the position of 2012 is row () and column () First column, second column, third column, fourth column The first line 1 2 9 10 The second line 4 3 8 11 The third line 5 6 7 12 The fourth line 16 15 14 13 Line five 17 ……

If the natural numbers are arranged according to the following rules, the position of 2012 is row () and column () First column, second column, third column, fourth column The first line 1 2 9 10 The second line 4 3 8 11 The third line 5 6 7 12 The fourth line 16 15 14 13 Line five 17 ……
1 936=44^2

If the natural numbers are arranged according to the following rules, the position of 2014 is row () and column ()
First column second column third column fourth column···
First line 1 2 9 10···
The second line 4 3 8 11···
The third line 5 6 7 12···
The fourth line 16 15 14 13···
The fifth line 17···

2014 = 44 x 44 + 78
Because 44 is an even number, it is a horizontal number, counting 45 from 45 rows, and then counting up 78-45 = 33
So it's 45 columns, (45-33) = 12 rows