Observe the following column and fill in the blanks: 0, - 3,8, - 15,24, - 35 Then its seventh number is?

Observe the following column and fill in the blanks: 0, - 3,8, - 15,24, - 35 Then its seventh number is?

The last number is 48
The rule on odd bits is as follows: 0 * 2, 2 * 4, 4 * 6, 6 * 8
The rule on even number bits is as follows: - 1 * 3, - 3 * 5, - 5 * 7, - 7 * 9

A set of regular numbers are: 2, 5, 10, 17, 26 Then the nth number in the group is

1*1+1 2*2+1 3*3+1 4*4+1 5*5+1 .n*n+1

As shown in the figure, the numbers are arranged according to a certain rule. Please guess the first number in the tenth row. Do you know which row and number is - 100?
-2 3
-4 5 -6
11. -12.13.-14.15

  ∵1+2+3+…… +n=(n²+n)/2
When n = 9, (n & # 178; + n) / 2 = 45
So the first number in line 10 is - 46;
Let (n & # 178; + n) / 2 = 100, the solution is 13 ﹤ n ﹤ 14
When n = 13, (n & # 178; + n) / 2 = 91, and 100-91 = 9
Therefore, - 100 is the ninth number in line 14

Now arrange the continuous natural numbers 1 ~ 2009 into a rectangular array as shown in the figure, and frame 16 numbers with a dotted line
In the figure, is it possible to make the sum of 16 numbers in a dotted line frame equal to 2000 and 2004 respectively? If not, try to explain the reason; if possible, request the minimum and maximum of 16 numbers in the square frame
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Let the number of the upper left corner in the box be n, then the selected box has n n + 1 N + 2 N + 3 N + 7 n + 8 N + 9 n + 10 N + 14 n + 15 N + 16 n + 17 n + 21 n + 22 n + 23 n + 24, so the sum is equal to 16 n + 192, making it equal to 2000 and 200 416 n + 192 = 2000, 16 n + 192 = 2004 respectively, and the result is n = 113 or n = 113.25