There are seven numbers in a row. The average of them is 30. The average of the first three numbers is 28. The average of the last five numbers is 33

There are seven numbers in a row. The average of them is 30. The average of the first three numbers is 28. The average of the last five numbers is 33

(28 × 3 + 33 × 5) - 30 × 7 = (84 + 165) - 210, = 249-210, = 39, a: the third number is 39

There are seven numbers in a row. The average of them is 30. The average of the first three numbers is 28. The average of the last five numbers is 33

(28 × 3 + 33 × 5) - 30 × 7 = (84 + 165) - 210, = 249-210, = 39, a: the third number is 39