The number of columns arranged according to a certain rule is 9, 16, 25, 36 What is the hundredth number

The number of columns arranged according to a certain rule is 9, 16, 25, 36 What is the hundredth number

This is simple. You can regard 9 as the third number (originally the first number), that is, the hundredth number can be regarded as the 102nd number, you know! So it's easy to see from the observation data that the answer is 102 × 102 = 20404,

The following is the number of columns arranged according to certain rules: 0,1 / 5, - 4 / 7,1, - 16 / 11,25 / 13, - 36 / 15
Here is a list of numbers arranged according to a certain rule: 0,1 / 5, - 4 / 7,1, - 16 / 11,25 / 13, - 36 / 15. What is the nth number

Yes ((n-1) ^ 2) / (2n + 1)

Press 1, 14, 19116 The rule in this column, the nth number is______ .

1=112,14=122,19=132,116=142,… So the nth number is 1n2

How to express the rule of this group of data 1,4,10,22,46,94 with letters

The rule is as follows
Starting from the second number, we get the following number from the first (number + 1) × 2