Number game: the first line 28 7 7 6, the second line 9 9 8 8, the third line () 5 13 16, 5 B, 17 C, 19 D, 47 which one Let's talk about the reasoning process

Number game: the first line 28 7 7 6, the second line 9 9 8 8, the third line () 5 13 16, 5 B, 17 C, 19 D, 47 which one Let's talk about the reasoning process

28 7 7 6
9 9 8 8
5 13 16
So x + 9 = Y / 28 = 1, y = 28-9 = 19 = x, so choose C

The odd numbers 1,3,5 In this way, the n-th group has n numbers, i.e. (1), (3,5), (7,9,11), (13,15,17,19)
So which group is 2013 in? Which number is this group

The nth group is n numbers from n ^ 2-N + 1 to n ^ 2 + n-1
Group 45, from 1981 to 2069, 2013 is the 17th

Let 1, - 2,3, - 4,5, - 6 According to a certain rule, the order is as follows: 1 - 23 - 45 - 67 - 89 - 1011 - 1213 - 1415 - 16
Let 1, - 2,3, - 4,5, - 6 According to a certain rule, they are arranged as follows: 1
      -2 3 -4
   5  -6  7 -8  9
-10 11  -12  13 -14 15 -16
The ninth number from left to right in line 10 is? The answer is - 90,

The mantissa of the first line is 1, that is 1 & # 178;
The mantissa of the second line is - 4, that is - 2 & # 178;
The mantissa of the third line is 9, that is, 3 & # 178;
The mantissa of the fourth line is - 16, that is - 4 & # 178;
So the last number in line 9 is: 9 & # 178; = 81
So the ninth number in line 10 is: 81 + 9 = 90
Because even numbers are - 90

The natural numbers are grouped according to the following rules: (1), (2,3,4), (5,6,7,8,9)... In which the first group has one number and the second group has three numbers
The third group has five numbers. What is the sum of all the numbers in the eighth group

Observe the law
The eighth group has 2 * 8-1 = 15 numbers
Before the eighth group, there are 7 ^ 2 = 49 numbers
So the eighth group is an arithmetic sequence with 50 as the first term, 1 as the tolerance and 15 as the number of terms
So the sum of all numbers in the eighth group is 50 * 15 + 15 * 14 / 2 = 750 + 105 = 855