Observe the following table 1 2 3 4 The first line 2 3 4 5 The second line 3 4 5 6 The third line 4 5 6 7 The fourth line The first, second, third and fourth columns guess that the number at the intersection of the sixth row and the sixth column should be______ , the number at the intersection of row N and column n should be______ (expressed by a formula containing a positive integer n)

Observe the following table 1 2 3 4 The first line 2 3 4 5 The second line 3 4 5 6 The third line 4 5 6 7 The fourth line The first, second, third and fourth columns guess that the number at the intersection of the sixth row and the sixth column should be______ , the number at the intersection of row N and column n should be______ (expressed by a formula containing a positive integer n)

The first number in the first line is 1, and the latter one is 1 larger than the former one; the first number in the second line is 2, and the latter one is 1 larger than the former one If the first number in Row 6 is 6 and the last one is 1 larger than the previous one, then the number in column 6 is 6 + 6-1 = 11; the rule is that the first number in row n is n and the last one is 1 larger than the previous one; then the number at the intersection of row N and column n, that is, the nth number in row n is n + n-1 = 2N-1; so the answer is 11, 2N-1

Observe the number of the following lines written according to certain rules: the first line: 1,1, the second line: 1,2,1, the third line: 1,3,3,1, the fourth line: 1,4,6,4,1
What is the sum of all the numbers in line n

Yang Hui triangle, the fifth line 1 5 10 10 5 1, the sixth line 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
Yang Hui triangle has two functions
1. According to the law, it is found that the coefficients in the n-th power expansion of (a + b) change;
2. According to the law, we find the exponential change of the letters A and B in the expansion of (a + b) to the nth power

The first line is 16, the second line is 7 () 9, and the third line is 3 () 4 () 5?

This is how to add the numbers on both sides of 7 + 9 = 16 3 + 4 = 7 4 + 5 = 9 to the middle of the previous line
This should be optional, that is to make the sum of the numbers on both sides equal to the middle of the previous line
16 16
7 (8) 9 or 7 (9) 9
3(3)4(5)5 3(4)4(5)5

This is a pyramid type topic. The number of the first line is 168, the number of the second line is 12 14, the number of the third line is * 2 * and the number of the fourth line is *
This is a pyramid problem. The number of the first line is 168, the number of the second line is 12 14, the number of the third line is * 2 * and the number of the fourth line is * 2 1 * what is the number of * in the third line and the fourth line?

12 14
6 2 7
3 2 1 7