He is a two digit number less than 45; he is a prime number, the sum of the digits is 7, the difference of the digits is 1, this number is {}

He is a two digit number less than 45; he is a prime number, the sum of the digits is 7, the difference of the digits is 1, this number is {}

He is a two digit number less than 45; he is a prime number, the sum of the digits is 7, the difference is 1, and the number is 43

If a prime number is a two digit number and the difference between its one digit number and its ten digit number is 7, then the prime number is zero______ .

There are 70, 81 and 92 double-digit numbers with ten digits larger than seven, and 18 and 29 double-digit numbers with ten digits larger than seven, among which only 29 is prime

A two digit number, the sum of the numbers is prime. Moreover, after the two digits are multiplied by 3, 5 and 7 respectively, the sum of the numbers obtained is still prime. The two digits satisfying the condition are ()

67*3= 201 2+0+1=3
67*5=335 3+3+5=11
67*7=469 4+6+9=19

Add appropriate operation symbols in the appropriate position of the following formula to make the equation hold. (1) 88888888 = 1000 (2) 44444 = 16 (3) 987654321 = 22
