How many jin is 1.5 liter

How many jin is 1.5 liter

The liter is a unit of volume and cannot be directly converted into mass
1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter
But for water, because the density is 1000 kg / m3, 1.5 liter of water is 1.5 kg, that is 3 jin

How much is 5 + 3-1


How many meshes is one millimeter

Mesh is a unit representing the size characteristics of granular materials

How many meshes is one millimeter

First, mesh is a unit of length, representing the side length of a square hole with corresponding mesh number on a square inch. Due to the existence of mesh, the mesh number is not completely linear with the corresponding length, but it must be that the higher the mesh number is, the smaller the length is
Second, give you a common use of mesh and length of the corresponding and rough calculation method
Rough calculation method: 25.4/mesh * 0.65
40 mesh 0.45mm, 60 mesh 0.3mm, 80 mesh 0.2mm, 100 mesh 0.15mm, 120 mesh 0.125mm, 150 mesh 0.1mm, 180 mesh 0.088mm, 200 mesh 0.074mm, 250 mesh 0.065mm, 300 mesh 0.05mm