290 one thousandth of a number is (), rewrite it to one hundredth of a number as a unit is ()

290 one thousandth of a number is (), rewrite it to one hundredth of a number as a unit is ()

The number of one thousandth of 290 is (0.29), and the number of one hundredth is (0.29)

The railway station is the departure station of No.12 bus and No.15 bus. No.12 bus leaves every 10 minutes and No.15 bus leaves every 15 minutes. After the two buses leave at 5:30 in the morning, how many times do they leave at the same time at 12:10 at noon?

5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00
5:30 5:45 6:00
From now on, No.12 bus will leave at the same time as No.15 bus every three times, that is, 3 * 10 = 30 minutes
The total time from morning to noon is 12:10-5:30 = 400 minutes
At the same time, the number of departures is 400 / 30 = 13 more than 10 minutes
A: by 12:10 noon, there are 13 departures at the same time

There are No.1 bus and No.3 bus at the departure station of a bus station. No.1 bus starts every 10 minutes and No.3 bus starts every 15 minutes,
How many minutes will the two buses leave at the same time after 9 a.m.? When is the second time?

In another 30 minutes
nine thirty

Bus No.1 starts every 3 minutes and bus No.3 starts every 5 minutes. These two buses start at the same time, at least once more______ The train leaves at the same time

Because 3 and 5 are coprime numbers, the least common multiple of 3 and 5 is: 3 × 5 = 15; a: at least 15 minutes later, the train will start at the same time; so the answer is: 15